• Product Details

1. Anti Termite Treatment
Company Name R A Khan
 Pesticides To Be Used Govt. approved pesticides like.Lindane E.C.20% or chloropyriphos E.C.20% are to be used. One litre litre of pesticide is to be mixed in 19 litre of water to get 1% emulsion. This emulsion is to be used in all treatment, in case of thin ply we may use Kerosene oil in place of water if required but best results are of water based emulsion. This treatment is categorized into two as: 1  -Pre construction Anti Termite Treatment- This treatment is done in three stages: Stage-1. The sides and bottom surface of the foundation trenches and pits is treated with pesticide emulsion upto the height of about 30cm at the rate of 5 Lit. per square meter of surface area. Stage-2. The backfill soil on each side of all built up walls in immediate contact with the foundation should be treated with pesticide emulsionl at the rate of 7.5 Lit. per linear meter of vertical surface both sides of the substructure. The emulsion shall be directed towards the masonry surfaces so that soil or earth in contact with these surfaces is well treated. Stage-3. Before laying the floor, treat the top surface of the consolidated earth within the plinth walls with chemical at the rate of 5lit. per square meter
No of Employee 30
Price NA   (INR)


5 Ensign House, Admirals Way London E14 9XQ, UK
